Viper Coil Coating 432g

Product number: RT640A
Product Group : Coil Cleaners

Viper Coil Coating is the same formulation as supplied to OEMs and custom heat exchanger manufacturers. It is the toughest and longest-lasting coating you will ever use, able to protect coils, heat exchangers, fins and other metal surfaces from salt water and many other chemically corrosive environments that face industries such as maritime and mining. The solvent-borne clear coating meets all State and Federal VOC regulations, bonds to all metal surfaces and withstands continuous temperatures to 205°C.

Product Group : Coil Cleaners
DG Class : 2.1 Hazchem Code : 2YE
Packing Group : NONE UN No : 1950
Volume : 432 ml
File name Document Type Extension Size
n0235-sds-ast-324582.pdf Technical Literature pdf 135.55 KB
n0235-tds-ast-324583.pdf Technical Literature pdf 659.42 KB