Accredited CO2 Training Delivered
HVACR technicians from across Australia have achieved accredited CO2 training via the newly opened, Sydney Beijer Ref Academy. Beijer Ref and Superior Training Centre Pty Ltd (RTO ID Number 41122) have collaborated to offer the only nationally accredited CO2 course currently being run in Australia on state-of-the-art equipment in a custom-built facility.
Superior Training Centre head trainer, Antonis Siamas says;
“This is an important step forward in the upskilling of technicians in CO2 systems technology. The training combines theory and practical and technicians are working on the latest equipment within the Beijer Ref Academy.”
Upon successful completion of the 2-day course attendees are awarded a statement of attainment for UEENEEJ184A - Apply safety awareness and legal requirements for carbon dioxide refrigerant and UEENEEJ185A - Repair and service carbon dioxide refrigeration systems. The accreditation is authorised by Superior Training Centre and recorded against the technician’s unique student identifier.
Inderpal Saund, business development manager APAC & sales manager SCM REF Australia says this is as excellent opportunity for businesses and technicians to future-proof themselves as the use of CO2 continues to rise.
"All business owners and technicians ready to up-skill themselves and grow their opportunities in the service and maintenance of CO2 systems are encouraged to register their attendance."
Redtech Commercial Refrigeration service manager and recent course attendee Tom Harkness said;
“I really enjoyed the course and learnt a lot. It was so good to do the practical components and see all the different racks at the Beijer Ref facilities. This accreditation will mean a lot to me and our business moving forward.”
The Sydney based Beijer Ref Academy is equipped with leading CO2 technology that allows technicians and installers the opportunity to learn how to operate CO2 refrigeration systems in different configurations. The system can deliver live simulation performance in all applications and weather conditions.
All components of the course are conducted within the Beijer Ref facilities. Future course dates are listed and all enrolment and course fee enquiries should be directed to bracademy@beijerrefsupport.com.au.
Beijer Ref Academy and Superior Training Centre CO2 Systems Training, 2023 Course Dates*
- 19-20 April, 2023
- 21-22 June, 2023
- 23-24 August, 2023
- 25-26 October, 2023
*All courses are subject to minimum attendance numbers being met
About Beijer Ref
Beijer Ref AB is a technology-oriented trading Group which, through added-value products, offers its customers competitive solutions within refrigeration and climate control. Beijer Ref is one of the largest refrigeration wholesalers in the world, and is represented in 38 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania. The Beijer Ref global network encompasses approximately 450 branches, 1,200 suppliers, 200,000 products and 100,000 customers.
About Superior Training Centre
Superior Training Centre is a registered education provider started by tradies and taught by tradies, to provide quality training & support. STC’s aim is to promote careers in electrical, air conditioning-refrigeration and metal fabrication, developing skilled workers throughout NSW and Australia. Our qualifications are part of the requirements for you to apply to become a licensed electrician, licensed in air conditioning & refrigeration, or a licensed metal fabricator.